I can't find shocks long enough to use without moving the mount locations, so the lower sketch would be the easiest to accomplish, and probably the least expensive. If I purchased aftermarket mounts that fit on top of the axle housing, I could use the KYB shocks I already have, but I would have to weld the mounts in place, and the mounts barely fit between the U-bolts. That means the bolts would have to be removed to allow room to weld, and I'm not at all comfortable welding heavy materials.
The position of the shocks with the revised upper mount location changes the center of gravity somewhat, but I don't think it would make a noticeable handling or ride difference unless driven hard. That said, I'd like to hear your comments.
Gary sorry, I can't get at mine to take a good picture, there is one that you probably have seen at; http://www.forwardlook.net/forums/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=63722&posts=461#M581064