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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Return from Zombie-land

Ten days lost to the flu, and still not 100%, but a whole lot better than I was a week ago! I lost ten pounds since the flu hit, and I'm now at the low side of my target weight. I'll have to start eating again.

It's been years since I had the flu, even those years when I didn't have a shot. I had planned to get one this fall, but the bug beat me to it. Now I'm behind all the normal work required to own and maintain a home, so not much time to spend on the car project. Since I can only sneak in an hour or two in the shop when the wife isn't looking, I've not been able to start any bigger jobs.

There were some tolerance issues with the door latch setup, so I've had to re-make some of the parts, and that's been the focus since feeling well enough to do some light work. The biggest problem has been designing and fabricating parts that will fit in the cramped area between the window channel and the door sheet metal. It's the proverbial 50 pounds in a 49 pound bag! I'm anxious to finish the replacement parts to see if I resolved the clearance issues.

Tried taking pictures again after fiddling with the settings on my crappy Canon camera, but still can't get the dang thing to work right. I really need to talk the wife out of her GoPro!

This is the only picture that was even close to being in focus.

By next week, the weather should be cooler and more comfortable to work with the big overhead door open, and by then I should be caught up with the yard work...or maybe I'm being too optimistic!


  1. Cold weather here along with a early snow storm -5 C. Shop nice and toasty warm though, fighting with the steering shaft and u joints (one double one single) so also needs a support bearing from Dakota column in the wagon to the Dakota rack. Pictures on face book soon. Get well, Ray.

  2. Seems like the entire border area is being hit on both sides with cold and snow from the Pacific to the prairies. Tomorrow night, we're expecting it to drop all the way into Texas with far below average temps for this date.

    I'm really looking forward to reading all about your Dakota swap!
