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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Monsoon Season and Avoiding the WuFlu

I hope everyone has successfully avoided a visit from the nasty pandemic virus. So far, no one I know has been hit by it, but it struck a local nursing home and a resident facility for the mentally challenged. There are multiple cases in both places and the entire county is now under stay-home orders.

We had already been voluntarily staying home for two weeks and I thought I'd be able to find a lot of time to work on the car, but no such luck. I got back to work preparing the remaining sheet metal for paint, but it only lasted a day or two until heavy rains pounded the area for the better part of a week. My gauge registered over five inches in a three-day period and eventually totaled over seven inches in a week, so much of my yard is still under water and I can't even cut the grass, and boy does it need cutting! .Of course, the horrible humidity put a stop to body work, and the latest forecast doesn't look encouraging until several days into April.

When the rain finally quit and brisk winds dried out the air somewhat, I got back to sanding and priming but non-essential stores have been ordered to close due to the virus, and I needed some like 80-grit sandpaper and spot putty. With no local source to buy from, I had to order online. Amazon Prime has always been good about getting things to me in a very short time, but then I discovered that they were delaying shipment of things they deemed to be non-essential.  The day I placed the order, they said everything would be here within 48 hours, but when the order didn't arrive by the time quoted, I was notified that it would be another two days. It actually took a week, so there was very little body work going on.

I did manage to get the rear gravel shields ready for paint, and the front one is getting close, so I guess I'm one step closer to having the exterior parts all one color.

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