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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

After the Haunting

I'm beginning to think my house is haunted, or maybe it's related to the '41 Chevy that was my first car in 1955. When the old Chevy wheezed its last, I filled it full of bullet holes, so the house better pay attention!

I might not be fighting ghosts and demons, but considering everything we did to build in extra-high quality, I'm really fed up with our custom built house. In the seven years since we moved in, nearly every mechanical device in the kitchen has failed, as has the HVAC many times.

The latest failures have been the HVAC that now needs a new coil due to a leak. It is the second one to need replacement in two years. It was also repaired and several parts replaced while under warranty, and has never functioned the way their manual states.

Three backyard flood lights also crapped out in the past three weeks and the built-in microwave died three weeks ago. This was within a couple months of the death of the third ice machine, the clothes dryer, the dish washer, and the kitchen sink faucet. Yesterday, one of the garage door openers malfunctioned, but apparently my cursing helped as it seems to have at temporarily repaired itself. At least I can hope.

Oh, yes, the new mower blades and platform belt  arrived and I got the old mower running again. After waiting for five inches of rain to dry enough to get my soggy acre of grass mowed, I think I might have caught up with the trials and tribulations of home ownership!

Today, I managed to apply a couple coats of high-build primer on the doors and fenders. Maybe I can do the same on the hood and trunk lid this week so I can have everything ready for paint...if the weather cooperates and the house doesn't self-destruct again.

I tried something different when I applied primer this time. The vendor instructions say the high-build product can be applied with a roller, and since I have yet to build a temporary paint booth I thought I'd give the roller a shot. It was a much easier and less messy to apply, but  I'll try sanding a little bit tomorrow to see how it looks.

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