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Monday, June 7, 2021

Getting Ready for the Interior

 Still haven't convinced myself to start circuit testing and I'm getting curious to see how the door interior panels fit and look, so I'm trying to get them ready for a fit check. I will have to cut holes to clear the latch pins and install the armrests and handles, so I made a pattern to locate the holes and the panel attaching clips. 

The upholstery shop used 1/8" Masonite for backing panels, which is nearly twice as thick as the original cardboard and it's difficult to install the clips, so I'm hoping to find clips designed for thicker material. If  anyone knows of such a clip, please let me know!

I also decided to reinforce the latch pin. It functions okay, but I'm sure the single layer of sheet metal would take a beating when the door is slammed. The reinforcing plate definitely stiffened the pin and the closing feel is more solid

The forecast is for our three week monsoon season to finally end tomorrow, and if it does there are several days of yard work waiting for me. With water standing everywhere and temperatures expected in the mid-90s F, I'm dreading working outside with the high humidity!



  1. So, in a effort to know where to mount my front rad support frame bracket I reinstalled the doors on the wagon as reference using the door gaps. The rear lower fender mounts were broken so now was the time to build new ones. on my back on the floor of course. One done and time to take a rest of a sore neck by standing upright and removing the yet unpainted front door window moldings. Noticed that the windows would not roll completely down, what was left of the window run rubber was balled up at the bottom of the track. So tracks and windows out and very very expensive new rubbers ordered. Not planned !

  2. The fender mounts sound familiar. I had to make new parts for both sides and like you, being flat on my back on concrete is a killer. I only have a few things left to do under the car, but like you said about unplanned jobs, I'm sure something else will surprise me.

    I wonder which one of us will be the first to "complete" our project? I'm beginning to believe that just getting to drive in and out of the garage would be a huge success!
