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Friday, August 9, 2024

My Other Job


Still a lot to do, but at least we are able to use most of the cabinets. Only three more uppers to hang in the corner. For that, I need an overhead hoist setup to get the heavy Lazy Susan cabinet into place. That is my project today. It's so much fun doing everything alone.


  1. I'm so impressed by your work Gary ! The bright colors,and the light from the windows,makes the room delicate and a place you want to spend time. Scandinavian style,if you don't mind me saying. So,keep up the good work Gary,the finish line is in sight ! And,that huge kitchen island seems perfect for polishing small stainless,or chrome items for a special Plymouth whenever the workshop is to cold or hot-huh ? hehe

  2. Geir, I accidently deleted your post, but finally found a way to retrieve it! I'm glad you recognized my choice of clean, Scandinavian styling. That said, I might be sleeping in my garage if I try to bring in car parts to work on since she loves the new cabinets too. Most of the furniture I chose, especially the items I made, are similar but my wife is usually a bit more traditional.

  3. Sleeping in the garage ? Hah ! My wife has " offered "me to move into my garage many times through the years..on a permanent basis.Women have a great sense of humor..

  4. My wife teases the same way, but if I sleep in the garage, she would have to take the dog out during the night and she doesn't like that job at all!

  5. You can have the dog in the garage,great company,and doesn't talk back..hehe

  6. How are things Gary ? Been a while since we have heard from you..

    1. Hi, Geir. Life is staying too busy to do anything but household work and, my energy level doesn't keep up with my desire to enjoy car projects. Maybe that will change when warm weather returns!

  7. Story of my life too,Gary. So cold in the garage at winter,and my wife really want me to get some work done inside our house,so she wins ( as always,he,he ) well,we will have to wait for warmer weather,when spring comes,I guess..
