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Friday, March 4, 2016

Wiring and A/C Plumbing

Not much accomplished since the doctor's orders to limit physical activity. I've tried to concentrate on finishing my wiring diagrams, but it's been a much more complicated project than expected.

I've done some wiring on the dash, but first have to determine clearances for everything that needs to fit behind it. The centrally located glove box really eats up the space if I intend to keep it the stock size, and the new radio eats up more space than expected.

I'm mocking up the AC ducts and hose layouts so I can get a better idea how to route the wire bundles and where to locate the connector breakouts so they are easily accessed when the dash and console are installed.

New bushings for the windshield wiper pivots arrived, so that's another light job I can work. I decided that I could do a better job of prepping the bezels before having them re-chromed, so I spent a couple of hours sanding and polishing and they do look better now. Compared to the original condition, they look pretty good!

I also have a few other parts that need re-plating, so I'll call the shop next week and find out when I can bring them in.

I stopped in to check on my seats and they are making good progress, but I told him to take his time and put any hot jobs ahead of them. As anxious as I am to see the finished product, I really won't need them until sometime this summer.

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