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Friday, December 29, 2017

If it Won't go, chrome it!

Holiday demands are still getting top priority, but at least my re-chromed parts are done. I picked them up yesterday and the work is beautiful. They were originally going to polish the "stainless" steel parts, but they were too deeply stained, so they had to chrome them. I'm glad they did.

The price was enough to induce cardiac arrest, but the finish is immaculate. The price for seven interior trim pieces was more than I originally paid for either the Belvedere or the Fury parts car!

When compared to the condition of the parts when I got the car, then after sanding and buffing, and finally finished professionally, the difference is amazing!


  1. Gary, re: motor mount. Some info I have seen in the last week, the speedway hemi mini-starter is very small and some mopar engines use a left and right motor mount and I don't have a clue what I'm talking about.

  2. Ray, I'm working on a new post that will update what and what I have yet to find.
