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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Have a Seat!

Between trips to East Texas to make repairs to our house, I've managed to sneak in a few hours of car projects.

I wanted to take care of some tasks that will be awkward to reach with the dash installed, and one of those was the installation of the foot-operated park brake. I didn't like the angle at which it was mounted, so I modified the adapter plate to make it more closly oriented to a stock setup. I still might re-bend and weld the pedal arm slightly, but will see how it looks when the dash is in. At least it fits better now and the release lever is in the right place just below the dash.

Next step was fitting the seats into their final location. With the console installed, I was able to determine the exact places to drill mounting holes, so that's another small job done. I was pleased to see that the underfloor seat-mount reinforcing was properly located, considering it was a guess when I was installing new floor sheet metal.

Before bolting anything else in place I thought that it would be a good time to install the sound-deadening material. I had enough to finish the one side and had sent out an order for three more boxes of Road Kill Expert. Unfortunately, I was just informed that they were out of stock and don't have a new ship date so they refunded my PayPal account. With free shipping for the heavy material, their final price was by far the best I could find, so I can understand running out of stock. Now to recall where I found the second-best price!

I love getting back to the interior and customizing part of the project. If the body and mechanical work was done, I'd have a lot of enthusiasm to get it on the road.

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