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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Easing Back into Harness

The steering column parts went to the machine shop this morning. They are busy as usual, but estimated the work should be done in about two weeks. I'm not in a real hurry, but installing the steering column would be more interesting than some of the tasks remaining, so will be glad when it's ready to pick up.

Ray, I decided to go with pinning the splined shafts to the main shafts. The machinist said they've never had a problem with welded steering parts passing the state inspection, but after I'm gone, whoever gets the car may move it to another state that doesn't accept welding, so it's no use passing on a unnecessary headache to another owner.

Work continues on the headliner buck. I applied the last can of foam and have been working on rough shaping. I also picked up two bags of plaster of paris this morning to use for the finer shaping.


  1. Good to hear from you. How bad is the rain in your area? In a moment of inattention (dumbness) on my part, my finished project slipped of the jack and did $600.00 worth of damage to the steering. So set back the working on the wagon.

  2. Very little rain this far north. We had a few outer band showers, but barely measurable.

    Sorry to hear about the damage! Seems like it always happens to the finished cars instead of those that can be easily and cheaply repaired.
